
Tuesday 10 July 2012

IPray4U Challenge

*sweeping the cobwebs*..

I know it's been ages, I almost feel like a guest on my blog!

Though I haven't been able to blog, I haven't stopped blog-surfing and it has been wonderful. Thanks to everyone who keeps checking on me / looking out for me :-) I'm blessed by you xx

So, with regards to the subject title, it's a challenge that one of my favourite bloggers - aloted has posted and I would like to encourage as many people as possible to take part if possible.

I've always believed in the power of prayer. I totally and absolutely know and believe with all my heart that God answers prayers. There is no doubt about it. The only thing I don't know is how and when. But I know He hears.

Another huge conviction that I have is that God is love. His love is unconditional, without question and it blows my mind. I honestly cannot begin to understand it. In the same way, He wants us to love people. He said it in His word that the two most important commandments to follow are

1. To Love Him (GOD) completely and with all that we have / are.
2. To love our neighbours as we love ourselves.

We pray about the first and we work towards it daily. Now the second, we do part of it very well - the loving ourselves bit and sometimes we tryyy to complete it by loving others in the same way.

One of the ways we love ourselves is by praying each day about things that concern us. Things that bother us. Things that we would like to see happen in our lives. Personally, I pray consistently about my walk with God, my family, friends and of course a worthy life partner. Recently, the latter has been top on my prayer list.

Now, the prayer challenge is for us to pray for others for 7 days rather than praying for ourselves (or in addition to, if you really really can't help it!). For each day, pick a person whom you would like to pray for and then do so. Please read more about it and the background of the challenge HERE. Trust me, it's a worthy read!

So, here goes, in the next few days, I will be praying. I will not be dwelling on my own personal things but by God's grace, I will be focusing on loving others and praying for them. I am buzzing already! I have begun to make my list!

Here a few things I will do personally:
1. I will pray for one person each day.
2. I will do so for the person throughout that day.
3. I will thank God for them.
4. The only thing for me, will be to thank God for everything!
5. As a point of contact, I will pray for people who are going through things or asking for things similar to mine. (But not exclusively)
6. In addition to specific people, I will pray generally for other people as well.
(So help me God)

Please go to aloted's blog to indicate your interest in joining. God bless YOU!

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