
Friday, 29 August 2014

Dear Daddy

Dear Daddy,

My gracious God, full of mercy and compassion.. Slow to anger and so very quick to forgive. You are worthy of my praise oh Lord. No one else deserves the worship that is due to You.

I sang this song by Your son Nathaniel Bassey this morning and I say it to you again right now:

Imela, Imela
Okaka, Onyekeruwa
Imela Imela
Eze'm Oh

Indeed you have done well Papa.. You are truly greater than the greatest. You are the One who made the whole of Heaven and the whole of the earth. You are my very own KING... You are just wonderfully awesome.

Who can match your greatness? Who can match your power Lord? All power in heaven and on earth belong to You. You have the monopoly on power and no one could ever lay claim to a fraction of its ownership.

You are Sovereign, You do as You please and no one can question you.

Yet, in Your Sovereignty, You choose to love us all, to love me, all of me. Thank You for choosing to create me, for choosing to make me female, for choosing to love me, for choosing to bless me, for choosing to invest in me, for choosing to save me, for choosing to redeem me, for choosing to forgive me when I'm wrong, for choosing to die for me, for choosing to look after me, for choosing to be my Daddy.

You choose me even when I fail You or disappoint You (Do You get disappointed? You are the Beginning and the End and You know all things :-).. You knew my (very many) weaknesses yet You still chose to create me. Thank You Daddy.

Thank You for giving me the opportunity of a relationship with You.. Words cannot even begin to fully express the gratitude I have for You. This girl is forever grateful Daddy, forever grateful.

It's another beautiful weekend that You have made and so many things happening too, but I trust You. I trust You Daddy, oh how I trust You...

I would like to please ask Daddy that you comfort, encourage and strengthen anyone going through a difficult time or facing a challenge. Please Lord of Host, let Your peace and Your joy guard their hearts.

Thank You for loving me beyond and despite my short-comings.

I love you always Daddy.

It's me again, your little girl,
One xx


  1. I love these letters to God (If I can call it that) that you have been doing.
    The most faithful God. You know this God is so wonderful and so loving that he gives is a rope to hang on to when we are losing our grip. I want to say thank you Jesus for loving so much, so very much you keep holding my hand even when I let go of yours.

  2. I always look forward to these letters of yours...I read it briefly yesterday...buh I was a lil busy to place my usual epistle comment....hehe....Hiya mami.....

  3. @Mayowa, What a wonderful God we have dear. Thank God for everything xx
    @Tibs, Hiya Mami! Always a pleasure having you here.. Thanks for the love xx


You know you want to say something :-)