
Friday, 15 August 2014

Dear Daddy

My dearest Daddy,

Beautiful beyond description, my Excellent King. The Holy One of Israel, the One who is altogether lovely, my Rock, my Salvation, my Hope, my Today, my Tomorrow, my Everything. My Best friend in the whole world, my Hero, my Champion, my Defender, Abba Father.

Thank You for being a faithful and true friend. Thank You for loving me.. I could never stop saying it and I couldn't find the words to fully express how grateful I am to you for it. Daddy, who am I that You Lord are so mindful of?

Who am I Lord? Why do You choose to love me so unconditionally; without a shadow of holding back, without a hint of regret. Why do You care about me so much? I know I haven't done anything to deserve it but You choose to love me anyway.

Like the songwriter said, "You see the depths of my heart, yet you love me all the same.. You are AMAZING GOD". You see how selfish I can be sometimes, you see when my heart is soo far away from you, yet you love me; you know when I say one thing to you, yet my heart screams the exact opposite, yet you love me; you know the times I am being hypocritical, yet you choose to love me!

Daddy, how could I ever respond to this great love? How could I ever match your incredible love for me? How could I ever thank You enough?

Oh my heart is full of gratitude to You Lover of my soul. My spirit adores You, my soul and all that is within me blesses your holy name. You deserve more than I could ever give to You, indeed my love is limited but I give You the best of it. I give You my heart, I give You my soul, I give You my intellect, I give You my desires, I give You my self... I surrender all to You Lord. You own me, Oluwalonimi - You own all of me.

Thank You Lord for loving and accepting me. I could never repay you but I want to say that I love You, I honour You and I respect You.. Now and always.

Your forever girl,
One xx


  1. This is really nice........I kinda look forward to one mami...

  2. The love of God sha..nice one dear

  3. @Erniesha, thanks mami! Thank you very much for the love xx
    @Moby, As in, His love = odikwa very serious xx


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