Hiya everyone!
It's a Saturday so let's do a fun post! I hope your day is going great? For me, I am having a great time at my nephew's first birthday party eating small chops and dancing
ijo yoyo (Oh how I love children's parties - plenty food, no stress *covers face*)
Happy birthday my dearest, darling cutie dimpled pie Ayooluwatitomi Funsho.. Aunty loves you muchos. I pray that God will make you very great. I can see greatness all over you already and I pray that you will make God and your parents very proud!
Birthday Boy and mee! :-D |
So, I have been tagged by a few bloggers and I have been very very bad at responding.. I have slacked so much, I don't even know how or where to start from.. But *rolls sleeves*, let's try somehow somehow..
Today, I will do the 20s Tag given by the lovely Blogger
Toinlicious.. Thanks hun *kisses".
This is the only picture of the lovely Toin that can be found on Blogsville! |
Also, my darling
Erniesha nominated me for "The Versatile Blogger Award" Whoop whooop! Tibs, you rock, thanks mami!
Beautiful Tibs of life! |
The only rule for the 20s tag is to say 20 random things about yourself (20?!!)
For the Versatile Award, it's as follows:
1. Thank the person who gave you this award -
Thank you Tibs, I know if anyone does, you deserve this hun.. You are super-fly fresh and there's always something worth reading on your blog! xx
2. Include a link to their blog -
Visit the FAB Tibs here www.everydaytibs.blogspot.com
3.Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you have recently discovered or follow regularly - The thing is that Tibs has nominated many of my favourites.. But let's seee!
4. Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award (you might include a link to VBA site.)
5. Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself. (That's definitely easier than 20! lol)
20 Things:
1. I am not very good at responding to tags, lol.. Figures right?
2. I am almost as bad responding to emails sometimes (sorry!)
3. I enjoy being busy....
4. Saying that, one of my favourite phrases is "I am tired".. My ex (I hate that word by the way, why give continuous significance? lol) once said I enjoy being tired (maybe/maybe not :-D)
5. I love music and singing.. In my mind I conduct this amazing choir (If you see my conducting skills mehn.. My imaginary choir are just awesome!).. I sing in the bath, on the road (I lose myself many times until I notice people giving me strange looks).
6. I lovee dancing too! When I was at University, I would actively sing and dance walking from Uni to my house (people definitely shook their heads and thought wryly "Africans!" tut tut :-D
7. I talk and dance with my hands. (I am that girl who is flaying and waving her hands randomly as she dances).
8. It takes a while for me to completely let go with people, however sometimes, I meet someone and we just click (not very often though).
9. I can day-dream + night-dream for Africa!
10. I used to cry a LOT when I was younger. To God be the glory - no more! lol (I pray my children don't inherit it please)
No more tears, all smiles lol |
11. I used to like things done my way in the past lol ('used to' and 'past' being the operative words.. Ok, maybe still do a little :-D *work in progress*)
12. I think food is one of the greatest pleasures God gave man -_-
13. I want my children to look like their fathers. (I actually wrote 'fathers' first, biko, only one father please oh!)
14. I have a special love-relationship with Cake..
15. I don't like shopping. I like dressing up though.
16. (I don't have anything to write again).
17. I love words.. I love cards, I like when I read from someone I like.. I could read it again and again and go 'aww' like it's the first time. I have cards from years and years ago!
18. I am a family girl.. I take them very very seriously.
19. I don't like a guy who talks too much lol.. I talk too much, we need some balance plix.
20. I love Lovee (What? You didn't know that?? Hehehe)
**Finallyyyy we got there! If you read it to the end, you are simply amazing! Thank you.
Ok, now to the Versatile Award.. Tibs is one of my favourite bloggers who I believe has a heart of gold so let me tell her some things I wouldn't normally share. Right Tibs? Right :-) xx
1. So I said I cry a lot right? Well mami, when my first boyfriend and I broke up, I cried for days.. We were young, no need for all that (well I saw the light later). However, I think the most painful heart-wrenching break-up was with my last boyfriend.. I needed God to take away the hurt.
2. I enjoy public speaking and do a bit of hosting/compering here and there.
3. I am a night person! I wish I could work at night only. I think I am more productive at night!
4. When I was younger, my dream job was to be one of Fela's (Anikulapo-Kuti) dancers.. I admired the skimpy cloths and the flexible dance-steps.. In my mind, that was the dreammm *nods head*
5. I analyse (and over-analyse) things a lot! Call me Detective One... (I am retiring though, it's not good for my peace of mind at all!)
6. I am borrowing this one from you Tibs - I absolutely love bringing people together. I love expressions of love, I want us all to sing peace and harmony songs and get along etc etc.
7. I absolutely enjoy serving people. I may not like cooking (yet) but I love catering to people, hosting, entertaining etc.. I revel in that :-D
*Phew* I made it!! I did!! Yayyyyyyy!!!!
Thank you very much for the nomination ladies, I am very grateful.
God bless you muchos! *kisses*
Now, I nominate these absolutely amazing bloggers for The Versatile Bloggers Award:
Tobi Atte - Ijustmetme
Please click on their names and check out their blogs too! xx