
Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Music & Me: He Never Sleeps - Don Moen

It's another Wednesday!

Hope you loved and were blessed by the very first Music and Me post? I was! If you didn't have the opportunity to read it, you can read HERE.

Music and Me is a music story book on the blog! We believe in the power of songs of praise and worship and more than that, in the act of worship itself. You can read a fuller introduction HERE.

Now on to today's feature...

It was really wonderful reading this submission by a dear Blog-friend and a lady who I think just by looking at her, and the feel/tone of the posts on her blog, does her name justice.. Today, the lovely Grace Efezokhe aka Graciemama shares an amazing testimony of how this song by Don Moen played a significant role in her life through her brother's story..

When I finished reading, I couldn't but marvel at the awesomeness and wondrous power and love of our GREAT GOD who never sleeps nor slumbers..


The right Gospel song can soothe your soul no matter your mood. It calms you down and just assures you that everything will be alright. It ushers you into the Presence of God. The power of a Spirit filled song can never be overestimated in our lives.

I will never forget how challenging the years 2011 through to 2013 was for me and my family. My younger brother was diagnosed with acute renal failure just as he was about to enter into the university. His only surviving kidney had packed up as he the other one was removed at birth due to a health issue. He was placed on dialysis twice a week which later increased to thrice a week and on other days of the week, he had to be at either the urologist or one other specialists’ visits.

I can’t count the number of times I saw my mum cry for her son. Was it the sleepless nights my parents had or the times I broke down at work at the car park and in the restroom. We prayed and fasted, yet, it was as if everything was just getting worse by the day. Along the line, his dialysis was increased from twice to thrice a week, his body had started swelling and left to anyone who saw him at that time, he was like a walking corpse. The plenteous drugs prescribed to him could even make him start a pharmacy. Then came the bombshell, he had to go through a kidney transplant if he was going to survive. Ah! I lost so much weight during this period. But one good thing about having God on your side is that the Holy Spirit is always there to comfort you on every side. I never for once had a long face. Even later on, when I told colleagues at work about the testimony, they were surprised that they couldn’t have imagined I was going through stuffs. God turned all our secret tears to open testimonies.

Having my brother to undergo a kidney transplant was like a death sentence for me. I increased my prayers and fasting. I made strange vows to God and sacrificial offerings. Still, all the negative medical reports from the doctors were not even palatable at all as they became worse by the day. In January 2013, he became so ill that we thought he was going to die. He was placed on ICU and had a temporary loss of memory. My faith was so weak that it got to a stage where I couldn’t pray again. Those times when I decided to pray, I ended up having crying sessions.

And then, my elder brother told me to listen to Don Moen’s song “He Never Sleeps”. I just can’t explain the soothing effect this song had on me. It was like God’s way of assuring me that all was going to be well. The part of the song that says: “Do you feel that the Lord has forgotten our need? Just remember that God is always working in ways you cannot see. Our GOD IS ABLE, He is mighty. He is faithful” touched me the most.

I played this song countless times that in fact at a point, it was always playing in my subconscious. This song energized my faith in ways I couldn’t have imagined. God bless Don Moen for letting God use him to sing that song. I can’t even believe I’m shedding tears as I type.

He had to leave for India in February 2013 accompanied by my elder brother and then God took control. The kidney transplant was a big success that the doctors said my brother’s case was a miracle. My brother lost so many school years to his illness right from when he was born. One beautiful thing about God that He will always restore what we have lost. He is living a beautiful life in good health that makes him wonder to the doctors till date. He is currently in Amsterdam for his undergraduate.

God is just too faithful. Never give up on God for anything in the world. As for those who say there is no God, I pray that you will experience the awesomeness of having a personal relationship with him. Indeed God never sleeps nor slumbers. PRAISE YE THE LORD

There's really nothing to add... I am very proud of this GREAT God, of our GREAT God. The One who wipes our tears away, the One who turns our mourning into dancing again, the One who is ever-mindful of us, the One who took the stripes on our behalf that we may be made whole, the One who knows and understands every single pain we feel and who desires to soothe them and take them away.. Our Balm in Gilead.
In everything we go through in life, we must never ever forget that our God never sleeps and He never slumbers. He is always in control, always in charge!

You can also read the story on Gracie's blog HERE


Would you like to share yours too? Remember it could be a song that struck something in you when you listened to it, it could be a song or worship that you used during a down-time in your life and it made a huge difference, it could be a song that takes you into the 'God-zoneee', it could be a song that helps you express what mere words cannot quite convey, it could be a song that brings a zest and zing to your heart and steps whenever it comes up!
Each song will be accompanied by a story, introduction or reason why it is the choice of the week..

Please send us an email
Twitter: @1plustheone
Instagram: @1plustheone

Guess what??!! Nominations have opened for the Nigerian Blog Awards!
Please, be kind, nominate 1 + The One blog HERE in the following categories:

No 7. Best Faith-based Blog
No 12: Best Inspiration, motivation or personal development Blog
No 12: Best Relationship Blog

Thank you beautiful people!! xx


  1. Thank you so much for sharing this Awesome testimony Grace! God is truly AMAZING. He may not come when you want Him....but He'll be there right on time. God bless you and your family and your Brother.

    1. Amen!
      "He may not come when you want Him... but He'll be there right on time" << This is the truth!

  2. Thanks for sharing this awesome testimony. God is always there for us even when we cant feel it. I love the song so much too.


  3. Wow! Inspiring testimony!
    God truly never sleeps nor is well!

  4. I just can't thank God enough for this testimony. We all talk about this testimony almost everyday at home. We just need to refocus from our challenges and focus on thanking God for the Gift of life. It's indeed a privilege to be alive and not on any hospital bed or spending money on health bills. God indeed never sleeps nor slumbers.
    What a Mighty God we serve.
    Thanks Ayo for this opportunity your blog has given us to share our testimony.
    When I look at my brother now and remember those days when his body was swollen, I just know that GOD IS MORE THAN FAITHFUL.

    1. Praise be to GOD!!
      Thank you so much Grace for sharing this wonderful testimony! And to your brother, for allowing his story bless others. Thank God, thank God indeed!
      May testimonies never seize in your home and may God continuously be glorified in your lives in Jesus name.

  5. I am so teary- eyed right now. hopefully, one day I will share my testimony too. I do have a song that pulled me out of the lowest of pits and gave me a renewed hope that God is never late, he's a perfect timer.

    1. I was very teary-eyed too when I read this testimony Sykik.. I just marvelled at the greatness of God and how His mercy and compassion comes through for us.
      I look forward to reading and rejoicing in your testimony in Jesus name!
      Please share that song.. We'd love to hear it, and the story behind it.. God bless you loads xxxx

  6. This got me teary-eyed too, what a wonderful testimony. I do agree worship songs have a way of soothing us and that is why the enemy tries so hard to distract us. I make deliberate efforts to listen to worship songs on my phone at least everyday even though there are times I honestly want to give up as mocking voices spring up in my mind reminding me of how I have tried and failed...but I still listen to Casting Crowns' Voice of truth which lifts me up always. "...the waves keep on telling me time and time again that I will never win but the voice of truth tells me a different story, the voice of truth says don not be afraid, the voice of truth says this is for my glory. Out of all the voices calling out to me, I will choose to believe the voice of truth". Those are powerful lyrics that just minister life to me every time. God bless you sister, more grace.

    1. Powerful lyrics indeed! Thanks Oyinlola for sharing those words.. I hope you can pen a little note to share on our Music and Me Wednesdays..

      There is power in worship, please don't stop.. Shut out the voice of condemnation and know that our loving Father is ever willing to have us in His embrace.. The Voice of truth will always triumph in Jesus name xxxx

  7. Oh Gracie...
    God bless you and your family.
    I remember when I first read this testimony on your blog, I was blown away.
    Indeed God never sleeps..never... this word takes a whole new meaning when it becomes real in our lives like in your family's case.
    He never sleeps..never...

  8. Music is food to the soul but when fused with spiritually and powerful messages definitely the soul will hunger no more; liberated,happy and healed!

    "One beautiful thing about God that He will always restore what we have lost", I am deeply holding onto this word, thats why I am dropping it at His Feet, this song ministers to me all the time.
    Thank you for this wonderful testimony( that is what God wants from us,we should testify to His goodness in our lives so that He can do more and we can help build faith in others ).
    Your brother's healing is permanent and he will live long to fulfill his destiny, God bless the family.


    1. Amen and AMen!

      Thank you very much for your comment and the song.. Please feel very free to do a Music and Me post xxxx


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