
Friday 5 April 2013

Dear Daddy

My Dearest Daddy,

The Love of my life, my Everlasting Love. My Beautiful King who sits on His matchless throne of glory.

How I adore You!

In the words of the songwriter, you make my life so beautiful - the more I know You, the more I want to know You.

The more I find out about You, the more I fall in love with You and know that I certainly want to do life and eternity with You. With You, I can do ALL things. With You nothing is impossible for me to achieve.

You change my life, You make life worth living, You make waking up each morning - amidst the news of chaos and disaster around the world, heartbreaks and disappointments - worth it. I look forward to growing my relationship with You and falling deeper and deeper in love with You.

Thank You for your mercy, thank You for your kindness, thank You for your compassion to me. I'm grateful for the fact that You know me inside out and yet still choose to love all of me. Oh, I bless the day that walked forward to publicly acknowledge that henceforth You are the LORD of my life. Thank You Daddy.

Thank You for the testimonies of this week, for cheering me up with the amazing news :-) My heart rejoices in You.

May I use this opportunity Daddy to ask that on behalf of the person reading this post that You put a smile on their face as well and give them something to sing about. Please Daddy, as You do for me again and again, grant them the desires of their heart. Most importantly Daddy, please let them grow in the knowledge of You and make their walk with You beautiful - That's the best thing that could ever happen to any man.

Thank You Daddy, You are All Together Lovely.

Your forever girl,
One xx

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