It's the grand finale and I am very very grateful to God for seeing us through the month of September!
It is indeed a September to remember! What a great and awesome God we serve!
Lord if I had a thousand songs, it wouldn't do You justice
If I had a thousand tongues, I would need more to give You the worship You deserve
If I played a thousand instruments, it would be insufficient to extol Your Majesty
If I danced a thousand steps, I would still need to dance some more for You my King
Nothing could ever fully express my gratitude and praise for You my Great and Mighty God.
You deserve all I could ever give to You and more!
Friday, 30 September 2016
Thursday, 29 September 2016
My Utmost for His Highest - Bamidele Adenipekun (Bams) #MOP16
I was really pleased to receive my dear friend and sister Bami's email, containing her praise to God! Bami is a strong woman! An amazingly strong and beautiful woman of God. I admire her strength and passion for God, her resilient spirit and her faith in God despite all odds. She's a phenomenal woman indeed and one that is a role model to many.
I'd been toying with the idea of writing something about my praise since the beginning of this month when you started the theme on this blog.
Where do I even begin? I have been a poster child of God's grace, mercy, loving kindness and goodness all my life.
If not for His goodness I simply won't be alive today.
So I know that no offering of worship or praise I bring could ever come close to being enough.
I'll therefore borrow the chorus from a song by Twila Paris: My Utmost for His Highest
"For His highest, I'll give my utmost to the King of kings to the Lord of hosts
For His glory, for His goodness, I will give my utmost for His highest."
In view of His amazing sacrifice giving my utmost is the least I could give; my reasonable offering.
I love You Lord because You first loved me
Receive my offering of praise
I love You Lord no-one else comes close
None can compare to You
Ever-faithful and true
I love You Lord receive my praise
I give it all to You
I know that this praise is coming from a deep place of gratitude to God who deserves the very best we could ever give.
Keep shining for Jesus Bami, He is the Lover of your soul, the One who holds you so dear and precious in His sight. In your life may He continuously be glorified in Jesus name.
I'd been toying with the idea of writing something about my praise since the beginning of this month when you started the theme on this blog.
Where do I even begin? I have been a poster child of God's grace, mercy, loving kindness and goodness all my life.
If not for His goodness I simply won't be alive today.
So I know that no offering of worship or praise I bring could ever come close to being enough.
I'll therefore borrow the chorus from a song by Twila Paris: My Utmost for His Highest
"For His highest, I'll give my utmost to the King of kings to the Lord of hosts
For His glory, for His goodness, I will give my utmost for His highest."
In view of His amazing sacrifice giving my utmost is the least I could give; my reasonable offering.
I love You Lord because You first loved me
Receive my offering of praise
I love You Lord no-one else comes close
None can compare to You
Ever-faithful and true
I love You Lord receive my praise
I give it all to You
You can follow Bams for uplifting and encouraging posts on Twitter @inspiredtosoar and on Facebook HERE.
It's 1 more day to go in the Month of Praise here on 1 + The One and it has been absolutely wonderful. Don't forget, you can be a part of it too! What's Your praise to God? Share with us and most importantly share with HIM!
Email to send in your praise!
Wednesday, 28 September 2016
Immortal, Invincible, God Only Wise! #MOP16
Today I would like to praise God with this very popular hymn.... I love hymns a whole LOT and I wish I could praise Him with as many as possible today (lol) but I'll go ahead and exalt His name with this particular one because it exalts the name of our great God so beautifully!
I love the hymn Great is thy Faithfulness (because it talks about the faithfulness of God. My God is a FAITHFUL God. You can rely on Him, He is dependable, very dependable). I also really like 'My Help Cometh from the Lord' - I can lift up my hand in total surrender to the One who can lift my burdens and carry me through life. I love 'To God be the Glory', 'How Great Thou Art', 'Now thank we all our God' and of course 'In Christ Alone'! Love them and so much more..
However, here's my pick today... I praise You Immortal, Invincible, God only Wise -
Immortal, invisible, God only wise,
In light inaccessible hid from our eyes,
Most blessèd, most glorious, the Ancient of Days,
Almighty, victorious, Thy great Name we praise.
Unresting, unhasting, and silent as light,
Nor wanting, nor wasting, Thou rulest in might;
Thy justice, like mountains, high soaring above
Thy clouds, which are fountains of goodness and love.
To all, life Thou givest, to both great and small;
In all life Thou livest, the true life of all;
We blossom and flourish as leaves on the tree,
And wither and perish—but naught changeth Thee.
Great Father of glory, pure Father of light,
Thine angels adore Thee, all veiling their sight;
But of all Thy rich graces this grace, Lord, impart
Take the veil from our faces, the vile from our heart.
All laud we would render; O help us to see
’Tis only the splendor of light hideth Thee,
And so let Thy glory, Almighty, impart,
Through Christ in His story, Thy Christ to the heart.
I love the hymn Great is thy Faithfulness (because it talks about the faithfulness of God. My God is a FAITHFUL God. You can rely on Him, He is dependable, very dependable). I also really like 'My Help Cometh from the Lord' - I can lift up my hand in total surrender to the One who can lift my burdens and carry me through life. I love 'To God be the Glory', 'How Great Thou Art', 'Now thank we all our God' and of course 'In Christ Alone'! Love them and so much more..
However, here's my pick today... I praise You Immortal, Invincible, God only Wise -
Immortal, invisible, God only wise,
In light inaccessible hid from our eyes,
Most blessèd, most glorious, the Ancient of Days,
Almighty, victorious, Thy great Name we praise.
Unresting, unhasting, and silent as light,
Nor wanting, nor wasting, Thou rulest in might;
Thy justice, like mountains, high soaring above
Thy clouds, which are fountains of goodness and love.
To all, life Thou givest, to both great and small;
In all life Thou livest, the true life of all;
We blossom and flourish as leaves on the tree,
And wither and perish—but naught changeth Thee.
Great Father of glory, pure Father of light,
Thine angels adore Thee, all veiling their sight;
But of all Thy rich graces this grace, Lord, impart
Take the veil from our faces, the vile from our heart.
All laud we would render; O help us to see
’Tis only the splendor of light hideth Thee,
And so let Thy glory, Almighty, impart,
Through Christ in His story, Thy Christ to the heart.
Do you like hymns? What's your favourite hymn?
It's 2 more days to go in the Month of Praise here on 1 + The One and it has been absolutely wonderful. Don't forget, you can be a part of it too! What's Your praise to God? Share with us and most importantly share with HIM!
Email to send in your praise!
Tuesday, 27 September 2016
Praise Him with my Talent - Ayobami Soetan (Lightchild) #MOP16
It's still the month of praise and I thank God for what He is has done so far. Hope you caught up with Love, Life & Lightchild yesterday!
Now, one of the areas I consider Lightchild's greatest talents is his dexterity on the keys. It's not just talent, I believe it's a gift from God. It was self-taught and I admire the way he 'enters' into worship when he plays. He has played with a wide array of worship leaders from around the world and he continues to glorify God with his talent.
I pray that like David, he will play and God will be glorified, he will play and demons will flee, healing and miracles will take place. Above all, may God be pleased with his praise in Jesus name.
So I’m not one to take selfies or record snapchats or upload personal videos....though I get to boss people around to do so.... But on my last mini break from music, work and the hustle and bustle of home, I could not resist the 'urge' to play out two of my favourite songs on two different pianos that were just eyeing me up and asking to be played. By the way, this was over 9 months ago....
The first one is a free style version of the song 'Great is Your Love - The Walls Group'... I remember the first time I heard the song, I literally left it on repeat for a whole week... Simple in lyrics, catchy in melody but fully expressing the words of my heart at the very first moment I heard it...
".....Great is Your love, always covering me... so undeserving, You still look out for me...."
This second one is an excerpt from the song 'More than anything - Lamar Campbell', an old classic song, that has this phrase that gets to me every single time .... "because of you my cloudy days are gone... I just want to say that I love You more than anything"....
I guess my life is characterised by one major theme that you’ll always hear me say - If not for God’s love, grace and mercy... I can’t begin to imagine where I would be, what I’d be doing now, what my life would look like et al. Even in the times that I thought I was good or was doing good, my goodness still comes up short when compared to His, and makes mine look like rags. And at the times when I was so unfaithful to Him, I’m glad that He didn’t and doesn’t take away these three forces (grace, love and mercy) away from me. That’s why He only, gets my unreserved praise, anytime, any day, anywhere!
Now, one of the areas I consider Lightchild's greatest talents is his dexterity on the keys. It's not just talent, I believe it's a gift from God. It was self-taught and I admire the way he 'enters' into worship when he plays. He has played with a wide array of worship leaders from around the world and he continues to glorify God with his talent.
I pray that like David, he will play and God will be glorified, he will play and demons will flee, healing and miracles will take place. Above all, may God be pleased with his praise in Jesus name.
So I’m not one to take selfies or record snapchats or upload personal videos....
The first one is a free style version of the song 'Great is Your Love - The Walls Group'... I remember the first time I heard the song, I literally left it on repeat for a whole week... Simple in lyrics, catchy in melody but fully expressing the words of my heart at the very first moment I heard it...
".....Great is Your love, always covering me... so undeserving, You still look out for me...."
This second one is an excerpt from the song 'More than anything - Lamar Campbell', an old classic song, that has this phrase that gets to me every single time .... "because of you my cloudy days are gone... I just want to say that I love You more than anything"....
I guess my life is characterised by one major theme that you’ll always hear me say - If not for God’s love, grace and mercy... I can’t begin to imagine where I would be, what I’d be doing now, what my life would look like et al. Even in the times that I thought I was good or was doing good, my goodness still comes up short when compared to His, and makes mine look like rags. And at the times when I was so unfaithful to Him, I’m glad that He didn’t and doesn’t take away these three forces (grace, love and mercy) away from me. That’s why He only, gets my unreserved praise, anytime, any day, anywhere!
Express your praise to God in the best way you can. Make it as diverse as possible. God loves to see His children praise Him... like children. With abandon, displaying the talents and gifts He has blessed us with and totally glorifying His name... So sing, dance, shout, clap, jump, smile, kneel, play an instrument.... Just praise Him!!
It's 3 more days to go in the Month of Praise here on 1 + The One and it has been absolutely wonderful. Don't forget, you can be a part of it too! What's Your praise to God? Share with us and most importantly share with HIM!
Email to send in your praise!
Monday, 26 September 2016
Love, Life & Lightchild - In Awe of You... I Love You Lord #MOP16
Lightchild Family is blessed with a group of musicians and vocalists, who have become more than musicians who come together to make good music, but also a family of worshippers that love God and love music....
So when we do get a chance to come together to rehearse or just hang out, we would sometimes sing a few of our favourite worship songs before we get on with it...
So here’s a little video of one of our favourite worship medleys, unrehearsed (so pardon the hungry looks, we just got in from Sunday service)... It’s 'In Awe of You' by Trey McLoughlin and 'I Love You Lord' by Muyiwa Riversongz.
These two songs are classics that we as individuals and as a group have covered and sing pretty much most times we get together or lead worship.. Hope it touches your heart as it does ours...
So when we do get a chance to come together to rehearse or just hang out, we would sometimes sing a few of our favourite worship songs before we get on with it...
So here’s a little video of one of our favourite worship medleys, unrehearsed (so pardon the hungry looks, we just got in from Sunday service)... It’s 'In Awe of You' by Trey McLoughlin and 'I Love You Lord' by Muyiwa Riversongz.
These two songs are classics that we as individuals and as a group have covered and sing pretty much most times we get together or lead worship.. Hope it touches your heart as it does ours...
...... Lightchild
You can read other Love, Life and Lightchild posts HERE. Also, follow Lightchild on Twitter@light_child , Instagram @lightchildfamily and Facebook -LightChildFamily
Editor's note - Lightchild is the man on the keyboard! :-D
It's 4 more days to go in the Month of Praise here on 1 + The One and it has been absolutely wonderful. Don't forget, you can be a part of it too! What's Your praise to God? Share with us and most importantly share with HIM!
Email to send in your praise!
Sunday, 25 September 2016
Way-Maker! #MOP16
Daddy thank You for the many countless miracles you do for me!
You are my
Sleeping and waking up each day in itself is a big miracle! Thank You for being Faithful to me each and every single day. Your greatness has no quantification.
You are my
Sleeping and waking up each day in itself is a big miracle! Thank You for being Faithful to me each and every single day. Your greatness has no quantification.
Saturday, 24 September 2016
Everything Written about You is Great! - #MOP16
Demons tremble at Your presence
What a mighty God we serve
Glory, glory Halleluyah
Everything written about You is great
Oh how I adore You with the words of this song great and mighty God!
The extent of Your greatness is unfathomable. You who walked on the sea, who fed thousands of people with just 5 loaves and 2 fishes, You who called forth Lazarus from the dead after 3 days! You who turned water into wine, You who cast out demons with a command - You are so so great!
You have the final say, You are able to do and undo, You speak and the whole earth trembles, You arise and Your enemies scatter, You are the great and mighty God and there is nothing that You cannot do neither is there anything impossible for You!
You heal the sick, you make the lame walk, You give the barren child, You make the blind to see, You make the deaf hear, You make the dumb speak - You are so great and mighty Awesome God and I praise You today and always!
What a mighty God we serve
Glory, glory Halleluyah
Everything written about You is great
Oh how I adore You with the words of this song great and mighty God!
The extent of Your greatness is unfathomable. You who walked on the sea, who fed thousands of people with just 5 loaves and 2 fishes, You who called forth Lazarus from the dead after 3 days! You who turned water into wine, You who cast out demons with a command - You are so so great!
You have the final say, You are able to do and undo, You speak and the whole earth trembles, You arise and Your enemies scatter, You are the great and mighty God and there is nothing that You cannot do neither is there anything impossible for You!
You heal the sick, you make the lame walk, You give the barren child, You make the blind to see, You make the deaf hear, You make the dumb speak - You are so great and mighty Awesome God and I praise You today and always!
It's still the Month of Praise here on 1 + The One and it has been absolutely wonderful. Don't forget, you can be a part of it too! What's Your praise to God? Share with us and most importantly share with HIM!
Email to send in your praise!
Friday, 23 September 2016
Your Majesty - #MOP16
There is none who is holy as You
There is none who can compare to You
Your Majesty, Your Majesty!
King of Kings Lord of Lords
Mighty God
All the honour, and power and praise
Your Majesty, Your Majesty!
Your Majesty, the Great and Mighty God!
Unquestionable King of glory! I humbly bow before Your Majesty. You alone are the King of all heaven and earth. Only You reign supreme as the Sovereign God. Angels bow before You, heaven and earth adores You, all creation glorifies You.
You are great in power and fearful in praises. No one dares contend with You as all power belongs to You. You are greater than the greatest, bigger than the biggest, Awesome are You Lord!
When You speak it is done, You decree a thing and it is established. Your words are powerful, sharper than a two-edged sword. You speak and mountains move, You speak and miracles happen, You speak and seas and storms obey You, You speak and You turn around impossible situations, You speak and wombs open, You speak and closed doors are forced open, You speak and a beggar becomes a Prince in a startling moment. You speak and heaven and earth aligns to bring it to pass. My Excellent Jehovah!
You are so Great! I bow before Your majesty.
There is none who can compare to You
Your Majesty, Your Majesty!
King of Kings Lord of Lords
Mighty God
All the honour, and power and praise
Your Majesty, Your Majesty!
Your Majesty, the Great and Mighty God!
Unquestionable King of glory! I humbly bow before Your Majesty. You alone are the King of all heaven and earth. Only You reign supreme as the Sovereign God. Angels bow before You, heaven and earth adores You, all creation glorifies You.
You are great in power and fearful in praises. No one dares contend with You as all power belongs to You. You are greater than the greatest, bigger than the biggest, Awesome are You Lord!
When You speak it is done, You decree a thing and it is established. Your words are powerful, sharper than a two-edged sword. You speak and mountains move, You speak and miracles happen, You speak and seas and storms obey You, You speak and You turn around impossible situations, You speak and wombs open, You speak and closed doors are forced open, You speak and a beggar becomes a Prince in a startling moment. You speak and heaven and earth aligns to bring it to pass. My Excellent Jehovah!
You are so Great! I bow before Your majesty.
It's still the Month of Praise here on 1 + The One and it has been absolutely wonderful. Don't forget, you can be a part of it too! What's Your praise to God? Share with us and most importantly share with HIM!
Email to send in your praise!
Thursday, 22 September 2016
Your Steadfast Love Extends to the Heavens - #MOP16
Your steadfast love
Extends to the heaven
Your faithfulness
Extends to the sky
Your righteousness
Is like majestic mountains
And Your wisdom, like the depths of the sea
I praise You God with this Don Moen classic. Along with 'Shepherd of my soul', it takes me to a sober and deep place of reflection and worship of Your wonderful love and nature.
I was also quite excited to find this same words in the book of Psalm, Chapter 36 and verse 5 and 6!
Lord, You are so great in all Your ways and I praise You for being so good, kind, compassionate and loving to all men.
Yes, You hate sin and cannot stand it but You love ALL men - sinners and saints alike. You are ever willing to forgive us when we come to You in repentance. Like the father of the prodigal son, You welcome us with open arms and great rejoicing when we come back to You. You are able to restore us back to the position of sons and daughters, no longer slaves or servants. Thank You.
It's still the Month of Praise here on 1 + The One and it has been absolutely wonderful. Don't forget, you can be a part of it too! What's Your praise to God? Share with us and most importantly share with HIM!
Email to send in your praise!
Wednesday, 21 September 2016
Your Love is Indescribable - #MOP16
Awesome God how great You are!
Lord I want to sincerely thank You for my salvation. Thank You for saving me, for looking after me.
Thank You for Your Holy Spirit and for Your power at work in my life! My relationship with You is the most valuable treasure to me!
I value Your love, I value Your thoughts towards me, I value Your plan for me! I love and appreciate You Daddy.
Thank You for I know that Your thoughts towards me are of good and not of evil. You are amazing God.
Thank You because You see me for who I really am, yet it doesn't make You waver in Your love for me. Thank You because You love me in spite of my imperfections. You love completely and unconditionally. Your love is so great!
Lord I want to sincerely thank You for my salvation. Thank You for saving me, for looking after me.
Thank You for Your Holy Spirit and for Your power at work in my life! My relationship with You is the most valuable treasure to me!
I value Your love, I value Your thoughts towards me, I value Your plan for me! I love and appreciate You Daddy.
Thank You for I know that Your thoughts towards me are of good and not of evil. You are amazing God.
Thank You because You see me for who I really am, yet it doesn't make You waver in Your love for me. Thank You because You love me in spite of my imperfections. You love completely and unconditionally. Your love is so great!
It's still the Month of Praise here on 1 + The One and it has been absolutely wonderful. Don't forget, you can be a part of it too! What's Your praise to God? Share with us and most importantly share with HIM!
Email to send in your praise!
Tuesday, 20 September 2016
My Praise to God - Bodam Taiwo #MOP16
I was really excited to get this email! I have known Bodam for almost half of my life and I thank God immensely for the friendship and sister-relationship I have with her.
I also really admire her passion and love for God and any task given to her (I mean while we were in Secondary School, she started with us in SS2 and one session was enough to convince the school authorities to make her Deputy Head Girl - there wasn't even such a position prior to that, but she came and inspired them creating that role!)
She is (among many ministries) also the founder and convener of the Ladies Monthly Prayer Session (LMPS) with over 200 women being a part of this over the years, and getting women to pray every last Friday of the month in their various locations for all manner of things. To God be the glory, there are many testimonies to show forth the faithfulness, power and mercy of God! Personally, my prayer life has been hugely impacted by this ministry!
So, it's still all about God's praise this month on 1 + The One and Bodam shares with us her own unique praise to our God, the Most High!
It took me a while to write this little note of praise because for me Praise - deep, no-holds-barred praise - is so intimate that it's something just between me and my God... Something I guard very jealously! But like every great love affair, the private feelings of love and affection become so much, that you just want to share it with somebody... And so, this is me attempting to share these heart feelings and I invite you to join me in praising my awesome GOD today.
JESUS, there's something so beautiful about your name... Something so special, something so precious, something so awesome...
JESUS... The only name that brings peace to every storm... The only name that calms the ragings of my heart... The only name that gives me complete confidence that this too shall pass...
JESUS... The name above all other names... I have never called your name and another name has proven greater... You have been Jesus over my sicknesses... Jesus over my finances... Jesus over my job... Jesus over my life...
JESUS... All that I am... all that I have... my entire life, my hopes and dreams and fears find a place in your name...
JESUS... My Husband... My dearest friend... My comforter... my healer... my advisor... my confidant... my fashion adviser... my career adviser... my mentor... my priest... my father... my counsellor... my encourager... my teacher... my accountability partner... my everything...
JESUS... Who is like you? No, really... who is like you? How did I survive before I knew you? You are merciful... so merciful... You are faithful... ever faithful... There is NO promise you have made that you haven't kept...
JESUS... I stop and sigh... Everything I want to say stuck on my tongue... Tears come to my eyes because I cannot adequately express myself to you... And in this moment, when words are not enough, I lift up my heart to you and speak to you heart to heart... All the things I wish I knew how to say... You hear it anyways... Words are not enough... With you, words are never enough!
JESUS.... my Lord, my Saviour, my King and my ALL... I love you!
I also really admire her passion and love for God and any task given to her (I mean while we were in Secondary School, she started with us in SS2 and one session was enough to convince the school authorities to make her Deputy Head Girl - there wasn't even such a position prior to that, but she came and inspired them creating that role!)
She is (among many ministries) also the founder and convener of the Ladies Monthly Prayer Session (LMPS) with over 200 women being a part of this over the years, and getting women to pray every last Friday of the month in their various locations for all manner of things. To God be the glory, there are many testimonies to show forth the faithfulness, power and mercy of God! Personally, my prayer life has been hugely impacted by this ministry!
So, it's still all about God's praise this month on 1 + The One and Bodam shares with us her own unique praise to our God, the Most High!
It took me a while to write this little note of praise because for me Praise - deep, no-holds-barred praise - is so intimate that it's something just between me and my God... Something I guard very jealously! But like every great love affair, the private feelings of love and affection become so much, that you just want to share it with somebody... And so, this is me attempting to share these heart feelings and I invite you to join me in praising my awesome GOD today.
JESUS, there's something so beautiful about your name... Something so special, something so precious, something so awesome...
JESUS... The only name that brings peace to every storm... The only name that calms the ragings of my heart... The only name that gives me complete confidence that this too shall pass...
JESUS... The name above all other names... I have never called your name and another name has proven greater... You have been Jesus over my sicknesses... Jesus over my finances... Jesus over my job... Jesus over my life...
JESUS... All that I am... all that I have... my entire life, my hopes and dreams and fears find a place in your name...
JESUS... My Husband... My dearest friend... My comforter... my healer... my advisor... my confidant... my fashion adviser... my career adviser... my mentor... my priest... my father... my counsellor... my encourager... my teacher... my accountability partner... my everything...
JESUS... Who is like you? No, really... who is like you? How did I survive before I knew you? You are merciful... so merciful... You are faithful... ever faithful... There is NO promise you have made that you haven't kept...
JESUS... I stop and sigh... Everything I want to say stuck on my tongue... Tears come to my eyes because I cannot adequately express myself to you... And in this moment, when words are not enough, I lift up my heart to you and speak to you heart to heart... All the things I wish I knew how to say... You hear it anyways... Words are not enough... With you, words are never enough!
JESUS.... my Lord, my Saviour, my King and my ALL... I love you!
Bodam Taiwo |
You can join the Ladies Monthly Prayer Session (LMPS) by sending an email to Also follow on Twitter & Instagram - @lmpsession and on Facebook - LadiesMonthlyPrayerSession
It's still the Month of Praise here on 1 + The One and it has been absolutely wonderful. Don't forget, you can be a part of it too! What's Your praise to God? Share with us and most importantly share with HIM!
Email to send in your praise!
Monday, 19 September 2016
Love, Life & Lightchild - You are God, Yet Still Mind-Full of Little Me
What is man that Thou art mindful of him?
That is one phrase that gets me into an 'awesome moment' from my feature song this week. I know that there are just a few people (most especially from our generation) who take pleasure in taking long walks on the country side, admiring nature, landscapes, seeing how pleasant and beautiful the scenery looks from the window seat in the plane.
Each time I get the chance to have some moment to myself and get locked into my zone, I love to take long walks along the banks of the Thames in my area. There is this spot that I get to that I sit and have conversations with God. Often times, I’ll get to admire my surroundings, the water flowing through the Thames, the swans and birds going about their business, the clouds moving in different formations and the flowers blooming... I then begin to think of how big, great, awesome, magnificent and thoughtful my God is..
He is that much intentional in the ways He has designed the earth, paying every attention to every detail and as Big as He is, He chooses to want to know me personally, relate with me on an intimate basis and then to top this, He calls me friend!
Sometimes, I think of how unfaithful, undeserving I am of His love, mercy and grace... the times that I knowingly and unknowingly do my own thing, things that most likely upset Him and could make Him flick me away or squat me like a house fly... but yet, He still always, always, always, always... (regardless of what I do, whether good or bad) loves me and stays faithful to His word/plans for me. If only you understand the importance of Him being faithful and 'always' loving me...
What blows me away the most is that the God of the universe, as big, mighty, powerful, awesome.... as He is... will then say that He is mindful of me .... as in His mind is full of me (my little remix) and even though I’ll gladly be happy to be a servant to Him, He no longer calls me a slave, but He calls me friend. I can peacefully just grab my glass of coke and selah...
I started out writing about one song, but it’s turned out to be 3 songs! These three, are songs that ring out my praise to God this day...
1. You Alone are God - Marvin Sapp
There's no question of Your greatness, no searching of Your power.
All the wonder of Your glory, to You forty years is but one hour.
Your knowledge is all encompassing, to Your wisdom there is no end;
For You alone are God, You are God alone.
Your mercy is everlasting, Your truth is here always.
You are He who was and is, and is to come.
Who is He that can number you days,
You've flung the sun to burn in space,
And the night's moon powers light from day;
You are God alone.
Now unto the King, eternal, immortal, invisible,
The only wise God, the only wise God;
You alone are God, for You are God alone.
Be all glory and honor, dominion, and power, forever and ever, amen.
2. You Called me Friend - Fred Hammond
Perfect and true, pure in all your ways
O Lord, there is none else like You, no one like you
And all these things keep me in awe of You
For I'm overwhelmed that You would call me friend
What is a man that thou art mindful of him?
Could an awesome God find common ground within?
Just to know that you delight to be with me
Fills my heart, with so much joy
Ruler of everything
You are creator, Lord and King
Willing you have taken my debt as your own
I would gladly give all to be a servant or a slave
For I'm overwhelmed that you would call me friend
3. Lovin’ Me - Jonathan McReynolds
Now I'm nowhere close to a perfect man
And it takes a supernatural love to even understand
That beyond the walls behind, the mask and confident smile,
Was a broken man trying to grow up and make life worthwhile,
And I know there were times that you probably shouldn't,
But I thank you for always lovin' me
And I know anyone else they probably wouldn't,
So I thank you for always lovin' me
Now I know there were days I looked at myself,
I felt like less of a person compared to everyone else,
What about this flaw to big to small, can I exchange?
And trying to make-up for where I fell short, I let sense slip away
And when I look in the mirror and don't like what I see
Oh, I just thank you for always lovin' me.
And I know I get bad but you wait patiently
I just want to thank you for always lovin' me.
Lord I just thank you for always lovin' me
So you just keep lovin' me (lovin' me)
Though I know I don't have everything that it takes you keep lovin' me (lovin' me)
And regardless of every mistake that I make, you keep (lovin' me)
And it probably don't matter what I do or say, you keep (lovin' me)
And even with the pimples on my face, you keep (lovin' me)
Each time I get the chance to have some moment to myself and get locked into my zone, I love to take long walks along the banks of the Thames in my area. There is this spot that I get to that I sit and have conversations with God. Often times, I’ll get to admire my surroundings, the water flowing through the Thames, the swans and birds going about their business, the clouds moving in different formations and the flowers blooming... I then begin to think of how big, great, awesome, magnificent and thoughtful my God is..
He is that much intentional in the ways He has designed the earth, paying every attention to every detail and as Big as He is, He chooses to want to know me personally, relate with me on an intimate basis and then to top this, He calls me friend!
Sometimes, I think of how unfaithful, undeserving I am of His love, mercy and grace... the times that I knowingly and unknowingly do my own thing, things that most likely upset Him and could make Him flick me away or squat me like a house fly... but yet, He still always, always, always, always... (regardless of what I do, whether good or bad) loves me and stays faithful to His word/plans for me. If only you understand the importance of Him being faithful and 'always' loving me...
What blows me away the most is that the God of the universe, as big, mighty, powerful, awesome.... as He is... will then say that He is mindful of me .... as in His mind is full of me (my little remix) and even though I’ll gladly be happy to be a servant to Him, He no longer calls me a slave, but He calls me friend. I can peacefully just grab my glass of coke and selah...
I started out writing about one song, but it’s turned out to be 3 songs! These three, are songs that ring out my praise to God this day...
1. You Alone are God - Marvin Sapp
There's no question of Your greatness, no searching of Your power.
All the wonder of Your glory, to You forty years is but one hour.
Your knowledge is all encompassing, to Your wisdom there is no end;
For You alone are God, You are God alone.
Your mercy is everlasting, Your truth is here always.
You are He who was and is, and is to come.
Who is He that can number you days,
You've flung the sun to burn in space,
And the night's moon powers light from day;
You are God alone.
Now unto the King, eternal, immortal, invisible,
The only wise God, the only wise God;
You alone are God, for You are God alone.
Be all glory and honor, dominion, and power, forever and ever, amen.
2. You Called me Friend - Fred Hammond
Perfect and true, pure in all your ways
O Lord, there is none else like You, no one like you
And all these things keep me in awe of You
For I'm overwhelmed that You would call me friend
What is a man that thou art mindful of him?
Could an awesome God find common ground within?
Just to know that you delight to be with me
Fills my heart, with so much joy
Ruler of everything
You are creator, Lord and King
Willing you have taken my debt as your own
I would gladly give all to be a servant or a slave
For I'm overwhelmed that you would call me friend
3. Lovin’ Me - Jonathan McReynolds
Now I'm nowhere close to a perfect man
And it takes a supernatural love to even understand
That beyond the walls behind, the mask and confident smile,
Was a broken man trying to grow up and make life worthwhile,
And I know there were times that you probably shouldn't,
But I thank you for always lovin' me
And I know anyone else they probably wouldn't,
So I thank you for always lovin' me
Now I know there were days I looked at myself,
I felt like less of a person compared to everyone else,
What about this flaw to big to small, can I exchange?
And trying to make-up for where I fell short, I let sense slip away
And when I look in the mirror and don't like what I see
Oh, I just thank you for always lovin' me.
And I know I get bad but you wait patiently
I just want to thank you for always lovin' me.
Lord I just thank you for always lovin' me
So you just keep lovin' me (lovin' me)
Though I know I don't have everything that it takes you keep lovin' me (lovin' me)
And regardless of every mistake that I make, you keep (lovin' me)
And it probably don't matter what I do or say, you keep (lovin' me)
And even with the pimples on my face, you keep (lovin' me)
......... Lightchild
You can read other Love, Life and Lightchild posts HERE. Also, follow Lightchild on Twitter@light_child , Instagram @lightchildfamily and Facebook -LightChildFamily
It's still the Month of Praise here on 1 + The One and it has been absolutely wonderful. Don't forget, you can be a part of it too! What's Your praise to God? Share with us and most importantly share with HIM!
Email to send in your praise!
Sunday, 18 September 2016
What a Mighty Good God! #MOP16
God is good
ALL the time
He put a song of praise
In this heart of mine
God is good
God is good
He's so good
ALL the time!!
Indeed Lord, when I think about You and all You do, I can't help but say truthfully that You are good. You are good in the morning, You're good in the afternoon and You are good at night! You are always good. The nature of You is good.
Thank You for showing Your goodness to all men without discrimination. You show Your goodness to us in various ways when we deserve it and when we don't.
Because You are good, You give us life, and You give it to us more abundantly.
Because You are good, your mercies are new every morning and great is Your faithfulness to us.
Because You are good, You cause the rain to fall on both the good and the evil.
Because You are good, You are slow to anger and quick to forgive us of all our sins.
Because You are good, Your thoughts towards me are of good and not of evil, to give me an expected end.
Because You are good, You never give up on me, Your love never fails.
Because You are good, You bless me even when I don't deserve it.
Because You are good, even when I was yet a sinner, You came to die for me.
What a good God You are
What a mighty good God You are!
ALL the time
He put a song of praise
In this heart of mine
God is good
God is good
He's so good
ALL the time!!
Indeed Lord, when I think about You and all You do, I can't help but say truthfully that You are good. You are good in the morning, You're good in the afternoon and You are good at night! You are always good. The nature of You is good.
Thank You for showing Your goodness to all men without discrimination. You show Your goodness to us in various ways when we deserve it and when we don't.
Because You are good, You give us life, and You give it to us more abundantly.
Because You are good, your mercies are new every morning and great is Your faithfulness to us.
Because You are good, You cause the rain to fall on both the good and the evil.
Because You are good, You are slow to anger and quick to forgive us of all our sins.
Because You are good, Your thoughts towards me are of good and not of evil, to give me an expected end.
Because You are good, You never give up on me, Your love never fails.
Because You are good, You bless me even when I don't deserve it.
Because You are good, even when I was yet a sinner, You came to die for me.
What a good God You are
What a mighty good God You are!
Saturday, 17 September 2016
Your Presence is Heaven - #MOP16
So, I couldn't post yesterday!
I was getting ready for the great Alabanza 'Sounds of Africa' Praise concert! Oh what a night it was!
Lord, even though I wasn't here on the blog to praise You, I hope that You felt and enjoyed my praise (all our praise) to You last night / this morning
There's no where better to be than in Your presence. Many times, when I'm there, I wish time would stand still and I didn't have to go back to the 'life' and all it's many attachments!
Nothing could ever compare to what being in Your presence means. Words are insufficient to fully capture the joy that bubbles from within. Indeed, joy seems such an inadequate word to describe it, it is truly indescribable!
Daddy, thank You for the gift of Your presence. Thank You for releasing Your sweet Holy Spirit to fill us up and make us whole!
Your presence is heaven to me.
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Would you like to share your praise too? Go ahead, don't be shy, join our month of praise. Send us an email at!
I was getting ready for the great Alabanza 'Sounds of Africa' Praise concert! Oh what a night it was!
Lord, even though I wasn't here on the blog to praise You, I hope that You felt and enjoyed my praise (all our praise) to You last night / this morning
There's no where better to be than in Your presence. Many times, when I'm there, I wish time would stand still and I didn't have to go back to the 'life' and all it's many attachments!
Nothing could ever compare to what being in Your presence means. Words are insufficient to fully capture the joy that bubbles from within. Indeed, joy seems such an inadequate word to describe it, it is truly indescribable!
Daddy, thank You for the gift of Your presence. Thank You for releasing Your sweet Holy Spirit to fill us up and make us whole!
Your presence is heaven to me.
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Would you like to share your praise too? Go ahead, don't be shy, join our month of praise. Send us an email at!
Thursday, 15 September 2016
Praise Your Unconditional Love - Boma Harry #MOP16
Today, my dearest friend and sister (who also happens to be a beautiful singer and worshipper - I am surrounded by worshippers, aren't I so blessed :-)), leads our praise to God with a personal cover of the wonderful hymn - In Christ Alone.
This hymn is definitely one of my favourites, my favourite part is "No power of hell, no scheme of man, could ever pluck me from His hand...". Actually, I love every line of this hymn. Thank You Lord Jesus! Your love is unconditional, unfailing, secure, victorious!
In Christ Alone is not an original composition by me, its originally a classic hymn. But what makes me love the song is the fact that the song always reminds me of God's unconditional love for man. It makes me understand what true love and sacrifice means. Its just so amazing to have someone who is powerfully awesome, that would be willing to give their all just to love and save you regardless of who you are, where you're from or what you have done.
So in summary this song reminds of the uniqueness of Christ and everyday I desire to be more like Him.
Would you like to share your praise too? Go ahead, don't be shy, join our month of praise. Send us an email at!
This hymn is definitely one of my favourites, my favourite part is "No power of hell, no scheme of man, could ever pluck me from His hand...". Actually, I love every line of this hymn. Thank You Lord Jesus! Your love is unconditional, unfailing, secure, victorious!
In Christ Alone is not an original composition by me, its originally a classic hymn. But what makes me love the song is the fact that the song always reminds me of God's unconditional love for man. It makes me understand what true love and sacrifice means. Its just so amazing to have someone who is powerfully awesome, that would be willing to give their all just to love and save you regardless of who you are, where you're from or what you have done.
So in summary this song reminds of the uniqueness of Christ and everyday I desire to be more like Him.
Would you like to share your praise too? Go ahead, don't be shy, join our month of praise. Send us an email at!
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
My Life is in Your Hands - Isioma Benson #MOP16
Hi guys!
There’s a longing in my heart to talk to you,
A desire to praise you
There’s a yearning in my soul for you,
A feeling I can’t shake off
So I woke up early this morning and the words filled my mouth
With gentle whispers through my breath
I lifted up my voice in praise…
Who can measure up to you Lord?
Who can imagine your goodness?
Who can exist outside your mercies?
Oh who can survive?
When you open my eyes to see
The battles ongoing for my sake
The enemies and plagues that could make or break
The evil agendas and perpetrations of the enemy
I shudder at its magnitude
I cry out for my eyes to be shut
I marvel at the WHY?
Why do you love me so?
Why do you still see me through?
Why do you yet save me?
With your sweet, still, small voice you say…
‘I have engraved you in the palm of my hands’,
‘I know the number of hairs on your head’,
‘You are my express image and likeness’,
‘Your life is in my hands’.
I smile
I laugh
I praise
I scream
You are worthy oh Lord!
It's still the month of praise and we are praising our Saviour all the day long! Today, Isioma shares her praise with us. Now, the last time Isioma wrote for the Month of Praise HERE, she was Isioma Ikediashi {Did I hear you say God is good?! :-)}.. Be blessed and don't forget to give God Your unique praise today!
There’s a longing in my heart to talk to you,
A desire to praise you
There’s a yearning in my soul for you,
A feeling I can’t shake off
So I woke up early this morning and the words filled my mouth
With gentle whispers through my breath
I lifted up my voice in praise…
Who can measure up to you Lord?
Who can imagine your goodness?
Who can exist outside your mercies?
Oh who can survive?
When you open my eyes to see
The battles ongoing for my sake
The enemies and plagues that could make or break
The evil agendas and perpetrations of the enemy
I shudder at its magnitude
I cry out for my eyes to be shut
I marvel at the WHY?
Why do you love me so?
Why do you still see me through?
Why do you yet save me?
With your sweet, still, small voice you say…
‘I have engraved you in the palm of my hands’,
‘I know the number of hairs on your head’,
‘You are my express image and likeness’,
‘Your life is in my hands’.
I smile
I laugh
I praise
I scream
You are worthy oh Lord!
Tuesday, 13 September 2016
My Helper #MOP16
My God is my Helper! The ever present Help in time of trouble.
Lord God almighty, today I want to really thank You for being so willing and ever-ready to help us even before we call on You!
You are the ultimate SuperHero!
I cannot count the number of times that You have come to my rescue, and the truth is that you are never a second late. You are always right on time. Glory to Your most precious name oh God!
I love singing this song in church and even when I'm by myself in personal worship -
There's something that makes me run into Your presence
My Helper!
My Helper oh!
My Helper
I could never tire of running to You for help and what's more, I know you never get tired of me. Thank You so so very much Great God!
Monday, 12 September 2016
Love, Life & Lightchild - Regardless, You are Good
When we hear the word 'praise', I believe most people will automatically think fast song... dancing... clapping... jumping etc. This is true of the act of praise. However, sometimes, praise transcends the beat, the tempo and melody of the song... Sometimes, it’s the words that we say that makes what we are saying ring out a praise.. Such is my choice for this week...
The song is called 'You are Good / Jehovah the Most High'. I heard the chorus “You are good and Your mercy is forever, Hallelujah” of this song in 2013 and at the time, nothing was making sense to me, personally. I had folks close to me who were going through personal situations that none of us could make sense of, there was weekly news of "This person has cancer" or someone has passed away as a result of this illness or that ... moreso, personally in my life, it looked like I was doing a lot productively externally but nothing was coming in, struggling to find answers and it seemed like life was 'living me, and not me living life'.
Then I heard this song one Tuesday... “You are good and Your mercy is forever, Hallelujah”... and what it did for me was bring some clear and fresh perspective to me. Though I was going through some pretty hard stuff and had focused on it for long, my attention was drawn to the fact that all that I am going through doesn’t change the fact that God is still good and it’s by His mercies that I still have the grace to still be alive and go through all that I was facing.
It was like God was saying to me, will I still praise Him even in the midst of all I was going through? I would always sing/say that "I vow to praise You, through the good and the bad..." - (another favourite song of mine by William Murphy).. would I praise Him now?
So I got into the studio whilst preparing to record our new album, and wrote a few lines to the chorus and got one of the guys in Lightchild to record it... The words sum up my thoughts and my heart...
Through the good times, You are good
Through the bad times, You are good
When I’m down, You are good
When I’m out, You are good
As I go through the pain, You are good
And though this disease is trying to kill me Lord
And cancer is staring at my face Lord
I can testify that You are good
And when my friends desert me
Lord I know that You are good
And when I’m going through this trial Lord
I know that You are good
This song has helped me put the centre of the focus of my life and being where it needs to be, regardless of my situation, circumstance, good or bad.... back on God, not just what He does, but more importantly on who He is.
The song is officially not out on release so you won’t find it anywhere as of yet.... But do enjoy a little snippet of it and I pray and hope it will lift up your heart and spirit as it does for mine!
The song is called 'You are Good / Jehovah the Most High'. I heard the chorus “You are good and Your mercy is forever, Hallelujah” of this song in 2013 and at the time, nothing was making sense to me, personally. I had folks close to me who were going through personal situations that none of us could make sense of, there was weekly news of "This person has cancer" or someone has passed away as a result of this illness or that ... moreso, personally in my life, it looked like I was doing a lot productively externally but nothing was coming in, struggling to find answers and it seemed like life was 'living me, and not me living life'.
Then I heard this song one Tuesday... “You are good and Your mercy is forever, Hallelujah”... and what it did for me was bring some clear and fresh perspective to me. Though I was going through some pretty hard stuff and had focused on it for long, my attention was drawn to the fact that all that I am going through doesn’t change the fact that God is still good and it’s by His mercies that I still have the grace to still be alive and go through all that I was facing.
It was like God was saying to me, will I still praise Him even in the midst of all I was going through? I would always sing/say that "I vow to praise You, through the good and the bad..." - (another favourite song of mine by William Murphy).. would I praise Him now?
So I got into the studio whilst preparing to record our new album, and wrote a few lines to the chorus and got one of the guys in Lightchild to record it... The words sum up my thoughts and my heart...
Through the good times, You are good
Through the bad times, You are good
When I’m down, You are good
When I’m out, You are good
As I go through the pain, You are good
And though this disease is trying to kill me Lord
And cancer is staring at my face Lord
I can testify that You are good
And when my friends desert me
Lord I know that You are good
And when I’m going through this trial Lord
I know that You are good
This song has helped me put the centre of the focus of my life and being where it needs to be, regardless of my situation, circumstance, good or bad.... back on God, not just what He does, but more importantly on who He is.
The song is officially not out on release so you won’t find it anywhere as of yet.... But do enjoy a little snippet of it and I pray and hope it will lift up your heart and spirit as it does for mine!
You can read other Love, Life and Lightchild posts HERE. Also, follow Lightchild on Twitter@light_child , Instagram @lightchildfamily and Facebook -LightChildFamily
Beautiful, beautiful! Thank You Lightchild for sharing this with us! It's a real privilege indeed to be able to sample one of the songs from your hugely anticipated album.
As always, your song is such a huge blessing and as Christians we often need to be reminded that the nature of God is goodness. Everything He is and everything He does is good. Even when it doesn't make sense, we trust Him enough to believe that He is working all things out and in the end, His goodness shines through for us to see!
So like Lightchild, I encourage you to take a moment, even in that dark place, to lift up your voice and join in singing a great song of praise to our God - For He is good and His mercy is forever! Halleluyah!!!!
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I saw this quote earlier today and I loved it! In good or bad times, God remains GOOD! |
Remember that 1 + The One is very social :-) Please connect with us on:
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Sunday, 11 September 2016
The Great Healer! #MOP16
Today in church, we had a class where we spoke about divine healing.
As always, it was a beautiful reminder of the fact that the God that I serve paid a very high price for my wholeness and access to excellent health!
Your word says that by Your stripes I am healed, and what a covenant that is!
You were bruised for my iniquity, the chastisement of my peace was upon You and by Your stripes I am healed!
Thank You for taking the suffering and pain, all for my gain. Thank You because You did it out of pure love so that I wouldn't have to suffer for the wrong I did and will do. I am so so grateful to You!
You said in Your word in Exodus 15:26 - "I am the God that healeth thee" and You do not lie or repent of Your words.
Thank You because I can run to You even at the slightest headache and by Your word, I am made well. Thank You my great God - for only a great God like You can do great things!
Glory to Your name Jesus!!
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As always, it was a beautiful reminder of the fact that the God that I serve paid a very high price for my wholeness and access to excellent health!
Your word says that by Your stripes I am healed, and what a covenant that is!
You were bruised for my iniquity, the chastisement of my peace was upon You and by Your stripes I am healed!
Thank You for taking the suffering and pain, all for my gain. Thank You because You did it out of pure love so that I wouldn't have to suffer for the wrong I did and will do. I am so so grateful to You!
You said in Your word in Exodus 15:26 - "I am the God that healeth thee" and You do not lie or repent of Your words.
Thank You because I can run to You even at the slightest headache and by Your word, I am made well. Thank You my great God - for only a great God like You can do great things!
Glory to Your name Jesus!!
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Saturday, 10 September 2016
Your Love is Amazing - #MOP16
Lord it's another day to praise You and I am mighty glad for the opportunity!
Today I want to praise You for love. Thank You for the gift of love. I see the gift of love exhibited in some many ways in humans and even animals - mother and child, father and child, husband and wife, friends to friends...
Thank You because no matter how deep our earthly love is, it can never compare to the love that You have for us!
Like David asked, who is man that You are mindful of? Who are we that You love us so? Only a great God like You can love in a great way that You do! Awesome God, thank You for Your love. I am so so grateful!
Today I want to praise You for love. Thank You for the gift of love. I see the gift of love exhibited in some many ways in humans and even animals - mother and child, father and child, husband and wife, friends to friends...
Thank You because no matter how deep our earthly love is, it can never compare to the love that You have for us!
Like David asked, who is man that You are mindful of? Who are we that You love us so? Only a great God like You can love in a great way that You do! Awesome God, thank You for Your love. I am so so grateful!
Friday, 9 September 2016
Everything Written About You is Great! #MOP16
Today I want to praise God with this wonderful song by Steve Crown.
The God that I serve is a very great God!!
Oh Lord when I think about the wonders of your power and the wonders of Your creation, I cannot help but marvel at Your greatness! Every single thing that You do is great. You do mighty things, You do glorious things, You do great things!
You created heaven and earth in 6 days
You created man with a brain, spinal chord, sensory neurones, motor neurones, organs, tissues, blood, skin, systems and so many intricacies that we are still discovering.
You made animals - all manner of them! You who made Lions, also made Turkeys. You who made Orangutans also made Zebras! You made them all - big, small, wild, tame, exotic - all of them you made!
What a mighty God we serve!
You who raised Lazarus from the dead even though he had been dead for 3 days!
You who made the dead rod of Aaron come alive, bud with flowers, overnight! You are so great!
You who made Bartimeus who had been blind for over 30years, see again, in the blink of an eye!
You who healed the leprosy of Naaman with 7 dips in the sea - who can fathom Your power!
You who caused the dry bones to live again!
Nothing is 'too dead' for You!
You who took a slave girl and made her Queen in a foreign land
You who turned the fortunes of Jabez around, a man who had no hope at all
You who made a condemned prisoner, Prime Minister overnight!
You who can turn a beggar into a Prince
You do glorious things. The works of Your hands are great!
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The God of all flesh, is there anything too hard for You to do? Not at all!
Jehovah we praise You!!
The God that I serve is a very great God!!
Oh Lord when I think about the wonders of your power and the wonders of Your creation, I cannot help but marvel at Your greatness! Every single thing that You do is great. You do mighty things, You do glorious things, You do great things!
You created heaven and earth in 6 days
You created man with a brain, spinal chord, sensory neurones, motor neurones, organs, tissues, blood, skin, systems and so many intricacies that we are still discovering.
You made animals - all manner of them! You who made Lions, also made Turkeys. You who made Orangutans also made Zebras! You made them all - big, small, wild, tame, exotic - all of them you made!
What a mighty God we serve!
You who raised Lazarus from the dead even though he had been dead for 3 days!
You who made the dead rod of Aaron come alive, bud with flowers, overnight! You are so great!
You who made Bartimeus who had been blind for over 30years, see again, in the blink of an eye!
You who healed the leprosy of Naaman with 7 dips in the sea - who can fathom Your power!
You who caused the dry bones to live again!
Nothing is 'too dead' for You!
You who took a slave girl and made her Queen in a foreign land
You who turned the fortunes of Jabez around, a man who had no hope at all
You who made a condemned prisoner, Prime Minister overnight!
You who can turn a beggar into a Prince
You do glorious things. The works of Your hands are great!
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The God of all flesh, is there anything too hard for You to do? Not at all!
Jehovah we praise You!!
Thursday, 8 September 2016
#MOP16 - Thank You Lord!
It's another day, another opportunity to praise God!
What are you thankful for today?
For me, I am really thanking God for how much He loves me and His plans for me. I thank God for opening doors and making a way for me in all situations!
To You Lord be ALL the glory! I am very grateful dear Lord.
You rock, You rule, You reign!
Wednesday, 7 September 2016
You're Beautiful! #MOP16
I was going through the first edition of the Month of Praise in 2013. (You can read HERE) and I have to say that it took me to a very beautiful place.
That year, it was all about the names of God! Each day, a different name was used to praise God and in many cases a song was shared. Those songs came from my collection of worship songs that I absolutely loved and still love.
As I read, I came across this song that I had almost forgotten about!
Have you desired to pen a love song to God? This one does it such justice!
The God we serve is such a beautiful God! You only need to see the work of creation to get a glimpse of the beauty of our great God! Indeed, you need not go too far, look in the mirror and behold just how beautifully and wonderfully you have been made! Praise God!!!
Our beautiful, absolutely beautiful God! Creator of heaven and earth. Maker of mankind, animals and plants! The One who made not one single mistake in the course of creation. The One who saw ALL that He made and called it good. Beautiful are You Lord, beautiful are Your ways, You are all together lovely!
That year, it was all about the names of God! Each day, a different name was used to praise God and in many cases a song was shared. Those songs came from my collection of worship songs that I absolutely loved and still love.
As I read, I came across this song that I had almost forgotten about!
Have you desired to pen a love song to God? This one does it such justice!
The God we serve is such a beautiful God! You only need to see the work of creation to get a glimpse of the beauty of our great God! Indeed, you need not go too far, look in the mirror and behold just how beautifully and wonderfully you have been made! Praise God!!!
Our beautiful, absolutely beautiful God! Creator of heaven and earth. Maker of mankind, animals and plants! The One who made not one single mistake in the course of creation. The One who saw ALL that He made and called it good. Beautiful are You Lord, beautiful are Your ways, You are all together lovely!
Tuesday, 6 September 2016
No Other God! #MOP16
One of the songs I sang this morning to God is this very lovely song by Nathaniel Bassey and Lovesong.
The words of the song are so deep and for me a continuous reminder and confession of what I have decided and what is my belief.
One thing I know and that I am convinced about is that with Jesus, I have reached my 'last bus stop'... I am totally sold, I have no other alternative, I am not going anywhere.
Things may seem bad, I may face certain disappointments, some prayers may not get answered the way that I want them to, but God remains my one and only God.
The God of my youth. The Unchangeable God. The Faithful One. The One whose plans for me always surpass my wildest imagination. Way Maker, Miracle Worker!
The words of the song are so deep and for me a continuous reminder and confession of what I have decided and what is my belief.
One thing I know and that I am convinced about is that with Jesus, I have reached my 'last bus stop'... I am totally sold, I have no other alternative, I am not going anywhere.
Things may seem bad, I may face certain disappointments, some prayers may not get answered the way that I want them to, but God remains my one and only God.
The God of my youth. The Unchangeable God. The Faithful One. The One whose plans for me always surpass my wildest imagination. Way Maker, Miracle Worker!
Monday, 5 September 2016
Love, Life & Lightchild - "Whatever You do with Me...." #MOP16
It’s the Month of Praise (#MOP16) at 1 + The One!
So I’m starting this month’s post with possibly my best song ever. This is one song that I feel encapsulates my entire being and life story from the beginning, to where I am right now, to the future and to the very end.
As most people know, music is like my very first love and if there is a song that I literary sing everyday, the one song that is at the top of my mind’s playlist and is played at anytime of the day, the very first words that come out of my mouth each time I see the light of another day, it is the song.
It’s one of the songs (as a musician) I would have said “I wish I wrote that one”. I have remixed it, done several versions of it, even a classical version…
So I’m starting this month’s post with possibly my best song ever. This is one song that I feel encapsulates my entire being and life story from the beginning, to where I am right now, to the future and to the very end.
As most people know, music is like my very first love and if there is a song that I literary sing everyday, the one song that is at the top of my mind’s playlist and is played at anytime of the day, the very first words that come out of my mouth each time I see the light of another day, it is the song.
It’s one of the songs (as a musician) I would have said “I wish I wrote that one”. I have remixed it, done several versions of it, even a classical version…
Sunday, 4 September 2016
Month of Praise - I Won't, I Can't Go Back!
I went to church earlier today and I LOVED IT!!
Thank You Lord for fellowship with You. Thank You for a church family that is such a delight to belong to.
Thank You for JESUS who is the One that binds us all together with love.
Thank You for my salvation Lord, thank You - I am so glad I belong to You Jesus!
If I started to count how much my life has changed since You came into my life, I wouldn't know how to start, neither would I ever stop!
Saturday, 3 September 2016
Welcome to September - Month of Praise!
Hi guys!
Traditionally, September on 1 + The One is dedicated to beautiful, extravagant praise of God!!
You can read previous editions HERE and HERE (I read a few of the previous posts and I can only say that I am truly truly delighted about this month of praise!!)
We take a little break from love, relationships and everything in-between to just totally adore our most High God! Actually, in real terms, it's not exactly moving away from all that, as what a great way it is to exemplify love, relationships and everything in-between through praise to our King most High!
So this month, here's what we are going to do! Each day, we will have different expressions of praise - it could be through songs, dance, poetry, spoken word.... Anything at all!! I am soooo excited!!
Traditionally, September on 1 + The One is dedicated to beautiful, extravagant praise of God!!
You can read previous editions HERE and HERE (I read a few of the previous posts and I can only say that I am truly truly delighted about this month of praise!!)
We take a little break from love, relationships and everything in-between to just totally adore our most High God! Actually, in real terms, it's not exactly moving away from all that, as what a great way it is to exemplify love, relationships and everything in-between through praise to our King most High!
So this month, here's what we are going to do! Each day, we will have different expressions of praise - it could be through songs, dance, poetry, spoken word.... Anything at all!! I am soooo excited!!
Friday, 2 September 2016
No More Fruitless Efforts - Watch Live!
If you're not at the Redemption Camp then you need to be watching LIVE!! Special Holy Ghost Service for expectant parents.
Here's the link -
It's been AWESOME so far, click and join in!
No more fruitless efforts (spiritually, materially, maritally, financially, emotionally, physically, fruit of the womb) in Jesus name.
Lots of love xxxx
Here's the link -
It's been AWESOME so far, click and join in!
No more fruitless efforts (spiritually, materially, maritally, financially, emotionally, physically, fruit of the womb) in Jesus name.
Lots of love xxxx
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