There are so many articles and publications on 'Pleasing your husband', 'Enabling your man be the head', 'How to get and keep a husband', 'Being a suitable helper to your man' etc which I think is fantastic! Marriage is one of the most important institutions on earth and so it is only apt that there are available resources to access on how to enjoy your marriage. Plus I have benefited immensely from such articles.
However, as you would have noticed, most of the titles I gave above are directed to women.. I know that they say that it's a woman that makes a home but we see again and again that a man can also bring down a womanly well-kept home! It takes two to make it work.. TWO!
I believe that most often, women are more proactive than men - so we can take on a project and run with it (more like fly with it lol), we are inherently passionate about things and so we commit to it heart, body and soul! Let me say here that men also do (before I get crucified lol)..
What I am trying to say is that we need more men speaking up about being great leaders and role models in their homes and showing so by example too. We have more men writing
Many women are suffering in silence, many men are suffering in silence too cause they just don't gerrit! Please help them gerrit!
A lot of men want to be better men, better husbands, better fathers, better brothers, better leaders but just don''t know how to..
Calling all role model-ic men... Please help a brother
PS I started a search on google starting with 'How to please...' and these are the top 4 prompts that came up:
How to please God
How to please a man
How to please a man in bed (just in case the one above is not as specific as you want)
How to please a woman
PPS We will continue to encourage one another on how to be the best spouse to our husbands, please work with us, make our jobs easier..