
Friday, 26 August 2016

Dear Daddy

Dearest Papa!

It's another Friday and I am as always very grateful to have such a wonderful, amazing, beautiful Father in You!

My Father and my Friend, My King and my Knight in Shining Armour, my Lord and the Lover of my soul, my God and my Gentleman of Galilee. Thank You for being such an excellent Lord and Saviour.

Thank You for Your goodness, Your kindness, Your mercy to me and for making this week a great one.

Thank You for the great support system that You have blessed me with. I was chatting with some of my dear friends this week and we just marvelled at how You have been very kind to us with the people You have surrounded us with. Thank You for my beautiful friends. Thank You for how You made our paths cross and the deep bond of friendship that exists among us.

Thank You for the trust, laughter, fun and memories we share. Thank You for making that phrase 'iron sharpeneth iron' come alive in our lives. Indeed, You have surrounded me with friends who are incredibly loyal and ones who are ready to encourage, chastise, defend and lift up during low moments.

Thank You Daddy for blessing my life with angels on earth. For them, I am very very grateful.

Thank YOU for being the BEST friend a girl could ever ask for :-). You are Everything Lord, Everything.

Love You Daddy,
One xxxx

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