You see as my post explained, we have so many stuff out ther for being the perfect woman, particularly being the perfect wife/other half.. However, in my opinion, I thought we didn't have enough for men or it wasn't as visible!
One of the people who commented said something about embarking on the project myself! And I thought yup, you can complain and complain but if it doesn't solve much! Action speaks louder and is more effective too!
Well, I know a few 2-in-1 men.. They are role-model-ic and they write role model-ic stuff!
So here goes.. Featuring today, a very role model-ic man whose blog I love reading both for men and women! With permission, I am re-posting an article on his blog catchily and aptly titled 'HUSBANDS: 10 things to do to make your wife go GOOGOOGAGA over you (Without Spending Money) Part 1) by Tobi Atte - Don't you just want to start forwarding the article to your male friends even before reading the content of the post??! :-D
For the original article please go HERE
Enjoy fellas! And we are eagerly awaiting the effect *wink*

In the usual IJUSTMETME fashion, this list will not be your typical list. Go in with an open mind.
Here we go. 10 things that you can do to make your wife go googoogaga over you. They are simple and they pack a punch. (If you are a lady, send this article to all your married male friends and they will thank you later.)
1.Arrange her closet: Don’t be fooled by the hype. Women may look completely put together when they are out but go look at a woman’s closet when she leaves the house for that major event or for that day she has something important at work. A disaster. The other outfits she considered, the blouses that didn’t match, the shoes, the jewelry … women always face a time crunch getting dressed for reasons that are beyond the scope of this article (we’d be here for days). Multiply this over a few days and you have a disastrous closet that she “intends” to fix over the weekend. Arrange it for her and you will cause her to shiver with love. For reasons I don’t have enough space to address, she will really appreciate it. You know… pants in one section, dress skirts in another, dress shirts here and camisoles here.
Don’t do it when she is there. Do it maybe when she is asleep, out, cooking or something, and don’t even say anything about it. Let her discover it.
The reason why this will get her into googoogaga mode is that a woman’s sense of security is often tied to how secure she is with how she looks. So when you arrange her closet, you tap into her “security” self and make it better. Think about it. if getting dressed is about feeling secure, then you arranging her closet is really beyond arranging clothes…it’s you making easier to feel secure.
2. Recognize the opportunity cost: This is not about thanking her for “doing” something or for “taking care of something”. Oh No. It’s not the quick “Hey thanks for …” or “I appreciate how you …” Na. It’s much deeper than that. It about putting thought in the thanking processes. Sure you could just buy her another necklace or take her out to dinner but none of those things will count quite like this. This is the type of conversation that you schedule. Yup. The type where you tell her you want to talk to her about something after dinner (she will try to drag it out of you right away but don’t budge…just tell her it’s not something bad); and then you thank her for something by acknowledging what it actually took to do that thing. It acknowledges the opportunity cost. It acknowledges the sacrifice made because that’s the true measure. It’s not just that she picked up the kids, it’s the fact that she scarified time to go, time in traffic, and time at work to do it. It sounds like “Honey I really want to thank you for picking up the kids after school the amount of times you do. It usually means you have to leave work by a certain time no matter what you still have to do at work, sit in traffic for 20 minutes, endure their craziness, wildness or whining in the car on the way home and then almost right away, start thinking of dinner for the family and still pull off this great meal we just had. I realize that my career is not more important than yours but it’s just that you have decided to make that sacrifice for us all”. What you will see on her face may be tears or a smile or her eyes widen. However what is certainly occurring in her heart is utter joy. Pure affection. In that instant, if you really said what you said with conviction, her life will find new meaning and fresh energy and you would have given that to her. She will pay you back a thousand fold. Saying that would have taken all of 60 seconds but you will reap the benefits for weeks if not months. What’s more? It won’t cost you a cent…only some thought.
3. The Bestie call: More than likely, your wife has a best friend. They go way back and maybe she was even the maid of honor at your wedding. You know who she is and if your wife was missing, (God forbid) after family, (or maybe even before family) the bestie would be the next place to call to find her. Well, don’t wait till your wife goes missing to call her bestie. Do it now. If your wife’s best friend is a positive influence on her, call her and let her know that. We men underestimate the social sacrifice our wives make when they marry us. They don’t have enough time to spend with friends, they make YOU…dear hubby, their priority. Well, more than likely before you ever got here, that bestie was her partner in crime and she looked out for and cared about your wife before you even met her. Even if you met your wife before her best friend, be assured that her bestie is part of her support group now and sense of social connection. If her bestie is a positive influence on your wife, call her and appreciate her for it. Tell her you appreciate her and that positive influence. Guess who that bestie will call as soon as she gets off the phone with you? Yup. Your wife…and she is going to rave about you to your wife. Two things will happen instantly (a) Your wife will hear how awesome you are from another person and will instantly go googoogaga over you (b) That bestie will instantly become your ally. Oh yes. She will become YOUR partner in crime in making your wife happy and will defend you if your wife got a brain freeze and forgets how insanely awesome you are

4. Shake what your mama gave you: Yes. I said it. CAUTION! This one may give your wife such a good time that she may go into random giggling convulsions weeks after you do this. By the time you are done with this, your wife will be reminded about some of the important reasons why she married you: You can make her laugh, you make it easy for her to be silly and be herself around you, you trust her with your ego that you can be silly around her, and she always has front row seats to the husband private show.
Picture it. She is cooking, she just came back from work, sitting after her delicious dinner, before she leaves for work in the morning…anytime. You get up, boldy walk to the music player, or maybe the song just comes on TV or the radio and you bust out in mime and dance. I’m talking about a hip shaking, hip turning, rump shaking dance like next month’s rent is coming from the tips your wife gives. Lol. You may be thinking….what! I’m a serious kinda guy and I’ve never done that before. My wife will think I’m possessed! GREAT. That’s even better. Trust me…she will love you for days for it. You see, a man’s ability to not take himself that seriously all the time…you can’t buy it with money. Women love to laugh and this will crack her up and crack open her loving.
Now here are the criteria. The song must be a somewhat fast song; it must be a funny romantic song. It must have a great beat and it must be a “girl I want you…girl be mine” kind of song. Classics/oldies are welcome and they must be songs your wife knows. Oh and you must mime/sing it TO HER!
Here are a few songs you can unleash your rump shake to:
- Limpopo by Kcee (Nigeria)
-Omo to shan by Wizkid feat Olamide (Nigeria)
-Baby Oku by flavor – dance version(Nigeria)
-Aint nobody by Chaka Khan
-Kiss by Prince
-Pretty Please by Estelle
-The way you make me feel – Michael Jackson (One hand in the air, one hand on your imaginary belt, move those hips and you’re in business. You’ll be the hottest thing your wife has ever seen even with that pot belly)
-Omo to shan by Wizkid feat Olamide (Nigeria)
-Baby Oku by flavor – dance version(Nigeria)
-Aint nobody by Chaka Khan
-Kiss by Prince
-Pretty Please by Estelle
-The way you make me feel – Michael Jackson (One hand in the air, one hand on your imaginary belt, move those hips and you’re in business. You’ll be the hottest thing your wife has ever seen even with that pot belly)
You don’t have to use these songs but you get the idea. So much googoogaga may come out of this that you may not need to touch this list for a while.
5. Show her how she is like a Bible Character: Take one great female Bible character. There are so many. Sarah , Ruth, Esther, Mary and so on. Read their story and find one or two ways that your wife is like that character. Find a parallel. Maybe that Bible character went through something similar to what your wife went/is going through. Maybe your wife shares a character trait with a Bible character. Is she hardworking? So was Ruth! Does she respect you and never ashamed to do so in public? Sarah respected Abraham so much that she called him Lord. Does your wife like to stand up for others? So did Esther! Discover the parallel and tell her. She will go googoogaga over you…as she should. The good thing is that this will benefit you too. You will see your wife in different light…you’ll see her like God wants you to see her. You see its one thing for your wife to remind you of your mother or of your aunt or your favorite High School teacher. But it’s a whole new ball game when your wife reminds you of Esther…or Mary, and she knows it. Googoogaga juice!
These are just the first 5. There are 5 to go and they get more exciting as we go along. Stay tuned for the next 5 in part two. In the mean time, subscribe to the blog to get notified of new posts, LIKE the facebook page HERE and certainly subscribe to the youtube channel HERE. Also, be social. Share the article (see icons below)
For more FABULOUS articles, please visit Tobi's blog HERE
About the Author
Tobi Atte is a certified Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner
and Motivational Coach. He is a dynamic event host and speaker on several
topics such as motivation, change, leadership, success empowerment,
relationships, fresh perspectives on faith, and personal growth in general.
and Motivational Coach. He is a dynamic event host and speaker on several
topics such as motivation, change, leadership, success empowerment,
relationships, fresh perspectives on faith, and personal growth in general.