
Sunday, 29 August 2010

Just a Little Something....

Hiya Blogsville!!

I have missed blogging soo much! It's all the 'busy-ness' of life... God help moi!

So as always with such a long time passing, there's so much that has gone - and is going on..

As per the last post.. I have been longing to blog about the follow up of the meeting.. SOO guy came back, and all I can say is "Halleluyahhhh" lol

I can safely say that I wasn't acting a fool around him, it was a more confident, self assured young lady that met him this time around.. I tell you, God is the best esteem booster..

For any lady or guy who is still locked in the past of a broken relationship, let me assure you that there's hope.. Sometimes it's harder when the other person has moved on with someone else and it feels like you're stuck in a rut... God has a way of working things out.. Remember, he has a plan for you and like a true father he would hand-pick your own for you.

He's done it before, yours wouldn't be any different!

Lots of love xx